Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I chose to study Japanese because I am very passionate about languages. The Japanese language is very beautiful, as is their customs and traditions. I want to immerse myself in a world that is somewhat familiar, yet mostly foreign to me.

I am excited to be in an environment that practices Japanese everyday. Nobody in my family can speak the language, except for my grandparents. I am pleased to bring back my fleeting roots.

The most difficult part of Japanese class thus far is speaking cohesively. I hope to pick up the speed at which I talk throughout the year.


  1. なんばさん、こんにちは!わたしは プリストン大学の学生です。にほんごのいちねんせいです。にほんにいってきますか。

  2. はい,日本に いってきたいです!!。 いっしょに いきましょう! :)
    リアングさんも いってきますか?
